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Gilbert Zyzniewski's Memorial Website

Gilbert Zyzniewski

Gilbert's family hosted a virtual memorial service at 1:30 PM MST the afternoon of March 5th.

The Memorial Service Bulletin Cover a Poem written by Gilbert The Flow of Life and

Gilbert singing - It Is Well With My Soul.

Listen to Gilberts Memorial Service if you would prefer Audio Only.

The Memorial Service for Gilbert Zyzniewski can be watched on the First United Methodist Church of Lafayette, CO FaceBook Page but may not have sufficient audio volume to hear the service.

We appreciate everyone who has offered their condolences and prayers.

There are a few people in our lives that make a tremendous contribution to us in little and large ways that we recognize as we reflect on that person. Gilbert was one of those people. It’s difficult to imagine this world without his continuing contributions to each of us, but his spirit will always live on in us and in the things that we do for others that were inspired by him. One of the institutions that helped Gilbert to become the wonderful Minister and person he was is Rocky Mountain College. In his instructions to his family, he asked that donations be made in his name to setup a scholarship to help others to complete their education. With the establishment of a healthy scholarship in his name, we can all continue to give to others the gift that Gilbert gave to us through these future students who will also make contributions for generations to come.

A Request for Donations

Please consider donating to the scholarship fund in lieu of flowers, travel plans and other expenses to this 501c(3).

*Please be sure to designate that the donation is in memory of Gilbert Zyzniewski to establish the scholarship in his name.

Instructions for donation:

Browse to https://www.rocky.edu/donate

On the website designate that the donation is for a “scholarship fund” and comment that it is “to establish scholarship fund in Gilbert Zyzniewski's Name”

Scholarship Fund

Further down on the page check the box that says “This gift is in honor or memory of someone” and then select “In Memory Of” in the drop-down box and Type “Gilbert Zyzniewski”

In Memory Of

Thank you for your donation in memory of Gilbert!